Thursday, February 21, 2008


I am confused when it comes to the definition on sublime. I feel that sublime is a state of incomplete understanding of a great, powerful emotion. A time when you are speakless or the only thing you can say is "woah". What I am confused about is: is it possible to experience the sublime and know exactly what is happening to you? 


Dom said...

I think that it's very possible. What I take sublime to mean is when something is almost too awe inspiring or incomprehensible... almost. I think that when something is "too amazing for words" sublime could be used, or possibly when something cannot be described yet one knows it exists.

...Then again maybe it's just a rock band from southern california... or the "Berry Lime Sublime" from Jamba Juice, honestly that was my first thought.

Pfreeman9 said...

I think its a state that you definately can recognize you are in, and for that matter I believe you can even know the reason and completely understand it. However, this reason has to be a shock, or something you really do not want, such as a life changing event.Some people and even the definition we read believe it can be a state of "awe" or for a lack of words a "good" state, but I disagree. I think the sublime is only negative, or inflicted by something negative. When I think about examples in my own life I am moved much more by sad or negative events in my life. Lets face it of course we all have good memories that stick but the bad ones leave a much deeper mark that really never goes away. And for this reason I believe Sublime is only a negative state that hits without warning. I believe many of the "good" things that may put you in such a state are progressive and dont leave your mind so "suspended" in the unknown. I have had many great moments in my life where I have been tranced in awe, but Ido not consider them sublime, my badmoments have been much more taxing, and without a doubt putme in the sublime state.

Anonymous said...

I think it's possibly to realize what has happened to you but not really while you are in the sublime. I think sublime is something that occurs when the mind and body are temporarily disconnected so either mind or body will realize it while the other doesn't. Only after coming out of the sublime can the whole package realize what has happened. Going on a little bunny trail here, I agree partially with what Pat is saying but not completely. I agree that sublime is caused by shock or a horrible experience but I don't necessarily believe sublime itself is bad. I view sublime as something as an escape from the pain, something the mind naturally does to avoid dealing with either the emotional or physical pain caused by something. I don't know if that renders sublime good or bad, maybe a little of both.